Safety Management

Managing safety

Safety and risk cover a multitude of knowledge bases: financial, commercial, engineering, operational, maintenance etc. Safely de-risking your projects, therefore, requires a special set of skills—skills that only Attis can provide completely.

The team at Attis are qualified in engineering, safety, risk management and construction. Not only that, but with a combined experience in managing organisations, commissioning teams, operational personnel as well as structures in high-risk environments, Attis can provide unparalleled knowledge and guidance on business risk too.

Risks like financial, reputational, commercial and lifecycle. All of this within the same package of work: exceptional experience combined with pragmatic advice. For principal designer roles, design reviews, programme management.

We provide a service as unique as your project, reinforced with industrial strength experience.

Accident investigation

Regardless of how effective your provision of health and safety is, accidents unfortunately will still happen. Although there is no direct law requiring them to be investigated, employers are required to review their health and safety arrangements - and investigating the causes of accidents is an important part of that review process. A robust and properly-documented investigation should always aid any organization to improve its health and safety provision, as well as helping to prevent further incidents from becoming more serious. Finding the cause of problems is not about apportioning blame, but about developing a positive culture where safety is ingrained at all levels.

Safety assessment

Safety tours, assessments and audits are effective tools in helping to ensure that the arrangements for health and safety are performing in the way they were intended. Often, the people within an organization are poorly placed to identify significant issues - not because of a lack of competence, but because of a trait that all humans have called normalcy bias. The engagement of senior management is also an important tool in driving any necessary improvements is safety and, here too, there can be conflictions in existing communication systems. We can provide support to all organizations in identifying pragmatic solutions to safety issues.

Safety Documentation

Any safety system will generate documentation. It is the quality and quantity of this documentation that can sometimes be an issue in itself. Any document must be pertinent to the reader, and must fulfil the requirements of the system both upstream and downstream to it. Additionally, management standards, for example in respect of quality or human resources, can present apparent conflictions in system design which may cause confusions at operator level. Confusion which can easily lead to safety-related issues occurring. Our holistic and practical approach can help to create an integrated solution that increases productivity and certainty.

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